Movie making...
In the era of wikipedia type of knowledge (collective); movie making should be geared in such direction. After all movie should cater to audience utlimately; so I propose a movie in which people collectively write scripts; dialogues; situations etc. There could be a vanilla plot; say it is the story of a guy and girl meeting each other in college and a story that revolves around them; (hey thats the story of 90% of tam movies anyways), there should be a website where we can write our own plots, dialogues etc. One should also be allowed to vote for their favourite scripts so that we come to a conclusion on what the movie is gonna be.
I think this will be a cool way to make a movie. The flip side is that the people already know the story dialogue etc; but it is the case with most of the movies right?
But people definetly turn up to see their own creation.