Friday, August 26, 2005


If you don't know what you want, how will you know what you are getting is good for you??

Friday, August 19, 2005

Swimming pool

*Ludivine Sagnier fans, sorry to disappoint you it is not about her or the movie ;)*

Imagine you standing in a swimming pool, you start disturbing the water creating small waves, the waves you create hit the boundaries and travel back and hit you back. Inference: you are affected by the disturbance you create. Now imagine a lot of other organisms in the pool. The disturbance you create affects the oragnisms in the pool. The organisms inturn(or even otherwise) might create some disturbance that affects you. You not creating disturbance is also a disturbance in a way(something analogous to disturbance =0 and that also affects you in a way if you think about it)

Now take the swimming pool example and imagine your body as the boundary of the 'pool' and all the disturbances that is created internally affects the way you are. And you inturn affect the proceedings in the 'pool'. A lot of organisms inside you affect the way you are and you inturn affect the behaviour of the organisms inside you...

Now extending the boundary of the pool, the universe is one giant swimming pool and YOU are a tiny organism in it. You affect the pool by your existence and internally get affected by disturbances in the giant pool...

Thursday, August 18, 2005

Bottle, wine; old, new

The title is scrambled just for the heck of it ;) !


#1 question = toBe || !(toBe) ;

#2 Prefection->Direction ! Destination ;

#3 All = Roads= Rome;

#4 Beauty << Skin != Deep;

#5 OldHorse != NewTricks;

#6 Necessity & Mother == Invention;

#7 Catch (Worm)

#8 #define NO_NEWS GOOD_NEWS

throw ( !Stones) ;

#10 if (will==1)
way =1;

#11 1_IN_HAND > 10_IN_BUSH

Wednesday, August 10, 2005


Got to know of this small funda about Pearl...A pearl is formed when a grain of sand irritates the oyster flesh, and when the oyster responds to this irritation by forming a protective covering around it. Interesting to note how something which is really irritating can be converted to something beautiful and elegant.

Do we also have the capabilities (like oyster) to respond to the irritations and difficulties we face by making something beautiful and worthwhile out of it instead of yeilding to irritations and difficulties? *sets me thinking*

Tuesday, August 09, 2005


It is real fun to see the concept of math taking shape into reality...I am going to yap about one such thing in this post. I had this course in undergrad on Numerical Analysis, learnt a lot about interpolation and extrapolation and stuff like that..I learnt that "Interpolation is constructing new data points based on a set of known data points"... and I could fit a new data points based on bunch a different approaches but I never asked the question why am I doing that or what is the application of these new data points until sometime back.

Background: Pixel refers to a picture element these are tinest dots that occur in digital image, basically encode the intensity (color) values

I learnt a few months back about scaling images (zoom)...Let us say you have to increase the size of images by a factor of two, there are several ways to do it.

Original Image

1) Easiest way to do is to copy the nearest neighbour pixels. Basically you say that for every pixel in original image you have two copies of that pixel in the target image (to increase by factor 2). The result of which is given below.

Nearest Neighbour

2) Another way to do it is through bilinear interpolation which is averaging in 2 X 2 neighbourhood, which means that for each pixel in target image you are going to look into 4 pixels and take an average of the four pixel values. The result is given below.

Bilinear interpolation

3) Another way to do it is through bicubic interpolation which is using a 4 X 4 neighbourhood for deciding a pixel value.So the more values sampled the better the result..The result of which is given below.

Bicubic interpolation

As you can see the quality of scaled (zoomed) image improves as the order of interpolation increases.

I really enjoyed learning about one such practical applications of interpolation !